Vibrant & Transformative
Take an Empowering Class
Susannah is working on developing online courses, which will be announced in the Blog. She is also available to come to your area and work with you and a group of others, focusing on any or all of the therapeutic services offered. She loves to work with groups, and of course, “where two or more are gathered together….” is a powerful amplification of healing for all present.
Stay tuned and connected to the Blog for details on scheduled workshops and classes.

Available Classes
Join Susannah Furr and her crystal singing bowls for a powerful experience using sound to balance/align the chakras and clear/activate the body’s energy field. This energetic system is closely related to our nervous system and enlivens many other body systems, such as the reproductive, digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems. When our energetic system is aligned and cleared, it results in a feeling of vibrant wellness. Susannah plays the bowls while leading a guided meditative journey resulting in an extraordinary state of relaxation and clarity and allowing for expansion into one’s true essence.
Susannah combines her grounded presence as a therapist and Reiki Master with her Bachelor’s degree in music to bring her audience in alignment with their authentic selves. She also uses the bowls for energetic sound healing in individual sessions.
The Web of Creation is a powerful, transformative and empowering practice. It was developed by Susannah over a three-year period in which she was guided to practice it daily. It is based on a Native American dance of the four directions and includes sound (chanting), gentle movement, visualization and the setting of powerful intentions for healing. Rooted in the concept of the Medicine Wheel, one is empowered to BE the conscious center of the wheel of one’s life, to ground and stabilize in the NOW moment and weave or create one’s desired experiences in the web of life.
Benefits from daily practice include:
- grounding and aligning with Earth’s energies
- calming and releasing difficult emotions
- upgrading one’s energy field to align with the frequencies of higher consciousness
- releasing the sense of separation at the root of suffering
- activating the heart for healing the body/mind/spirit
- activating the Inner Marriage of masculine/feminine energies
- welcoming home the fragments of ego/personality for integration
- claiming one’s true nature as co-creator of one’s life
- creating more love, abundance, freedom and joy
This class is designed to help participants activate 5 keys to align their energies with true happiness and sacred aliveness.
Susannah is currently working on a book on this topic, which will include audio meditations for incorporating the HAPPY NOW formula into one’s daily life. Contact Susannah if you wish to be on her list for purchasing the book.
“When Susannah taught me the Web of Creation, I felt very awkward and silly. But I practiced it everyday anyway, and after about a week I began to notice a positive shift in my attitude towards myself and others. After a month, I noticed my nightly dreams returning (or at least I was remembering them more easily). After 3 months, old negative patterns and fears were melting away, and my hopes and dreams starting to manifest. It has now been 9 months of practice, and I am now, without a doubt, a true believer in the Web of Creation. I am so grateful to Spirit for sending this powerfully healing technique through Susannah, and I am grateful to her for risking the “woo woo” label and sharing this with me and others.”