Integration & Empowerment

Transpersonal Counseling with Susannah Furr, M.Ed., LPC

Susannah Furr, M.Ed., is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a 30-year career in the counseling profession.  She offers sessions for individuals, couples, families, and groups dealing with depression, anxiety, traumas, addictions, relationship issues, identity issues, life purpose issues, spiritual growth and conscious evolution.

chakrasTranspersonal Counseling incorporates psychological counseling with the added dimension of the transpersonal, beyond ego and personality. It combines the ordinary human experience with an expanded framework of non-ordinary experiences, such as mystical, spiritual, religious and altered states of consciousness. In this process the client learns to detach from limited ego identity, releasing unhealthy patterns along the way, connecting with inner wisdom and self-love, and becoming more integrated and empowered.

Partner with Susannah for help in:


Joy, peace, fulfillment and love are the new patterns you embrace as you awaken into wholeness!

“I have worked with Susannah for several months and am amazed at the progress in my healing. I came to her with chronic depression and anxiety. The most rewarding aspect of this work is in the connection I now feel with my inner wisdom. I am learning to trust my inner voice, and this has had a major, positive impact in my life! She has a way of gently guiding me to the answers that I now know I have within, and this helps me release the fear that has plagued me for years. I am so grateful for her helping hand.”
T.C., New Orleans, LA
“Susannah helped me keep my center and sanity while I was going through a painful divorce. She attuned me to Reiki, and now I am able to use it for pain and stress management. I love her ability to take complicated issues and break them down into simple solutions. Now I am ready to try her more unconventional techniques, because I feel safe and comfortable with her.”
J.G., Memphis, TN
“Transcendent … inspiring … powerful healing … delightful … these are good words to describe my meetings with Susannah. When we first began working together, I was in a deep depression and couldn’t see my way through this life. In time, she showed me how to “look up” instead of down, that the “glass was half full” and filling to the top each day instead of half empty. And whenever I want to give her the credit for my healing, she always points out that I am the one who did the work and who made the choice to look up. She says she is only acting as a guide and witness, but I wouldn’t be at this stage of healing without her. My cup runneth over.”
M.K., Boise, ID
“What a gift Susannah is. Full of wonder, passion and spirit, she teaches us to be true to our own nature, and thus in touch with sources of creativity, humor and strength. She will gladly guide our journey because she has walked the path herself and confronted what we fear the most, our own power. She invites us into the realm of the Spirit of truth, a Spirit that heals, awakens, challenges, connects, and laughs. It has been my good fortune to practice Master Mind with her for about 25 years and the beneficiary of many hours in meditation with Susannah. I am truly grateful for her talent, skill and generosity.”
P.S., Oxford, MS
“As someone who struggled to find a therapist I connected with throughout my twenties, finding Susannah via a friend’s recommendation has been a true life-changer. Hurt by the therapy process more then helped, my time with Susannah is the first process that has felt like a healing one. Unlike others in the field who simply sit back and let you talk, Susannah is an active, engaged listener, asking pertinent questions, offering examples from her own experience and even guidance upon request, which I particularly appreciate. Susannah is empathetic, honest, and understanding. Her use of non-traditional techniques, like visualization and the Web of Creation technique, are amazing and eye-opening. I am so grateful for these experiences; I can’t sing Susannah’s praises enough!”
E.K., Seattle, WA